This procedure is performed when it’s necessary to remove disc material or vertebral bone to reduce the pressure being applied to the spinal cord or nerves located in the lower region of your back, known as the lumbar region. Corpectomy is the combination of the words’ corpus’ and ‘ectomy,’ the Latin words for body and removal, respectively.

What Approach Does The Anterior Lumbar Corpectomy and Fusion Procedure Take?
This treatment will typically be accomplished by accessing the spine through an incision in the side of the abdomen. This approach is known as an ‘anterolateral’ approach, a word formed by combining ‘anterior’ (front) and ‘lateral’ (side) from Latin. This allows access to the spinal region without having to interfere with the structure of the nerves or muscles in the back. Once the necessary disc and vertebra material has been removed, a bone graft will be put in place to help stabilize the spine and ensure the spacing remains correct.
Why Would This Procedure Be Necessary?
In cases where the bones and/or discs of the back have become compromised from damage, degradation, or disease, this procedure can help repair the damage and restore stability to the spine. This is common in cases of spinal fractures, infections, or tumors that can result in pressure on the bone, as well as herniated discs and bone spurs. The compression of nerves in the lumbar region can result in back pain, weakness in the hips, legs, and buttocks, and general numbness in these areas. This procedure makes it possible to relieve some or all of these symptoms in eligible patients. Before this surgery is considered, all non-invasive options will be attempted or ruled out by Dr. Czerwein.
What Should I Expect As Part Of My Recovery Period?
This procedure is designed to decrease the necessary recovery time and return the patient to their normal activities as quickly as possible. Following this procedure, the majority of patients will experience significant improvement in many or even all of their symptoms, with additional improvement seen over time as they heal. Those who undergo this procedure can expect to be back on their feet and walking by the end of their surgery day, with full recovery taking several weeks to achieve. The specific details of your return to work or your normal activities will be tied to the specifics of your case, how well you follow Dr. Czerwein’s recovery treatment plan and your natural healing rate.
What Are The Risks?
General anesthesia has some risks associated with it, including backache, nerve injury, sore throats, nausea, and vomiting, to name a few. Risks directly associated with the procedure itself include blood clots, nerve damage, bowel and bladder problems, blood clots, and the potential for infection.
The Anterior Lumbar Corpectomy and Fusion surgery has been helping patients experiencing spinal instability complications experience relief from pain and other symptoms and an improvement in their quality of life. If you’re ready to discover if this treatment can be the solution you’re looking for, reach out to Dr. John Czerwein today! Our team of helpful staff will help schedule your appointment!